Burden Of Dreams (4K Restoration)



Release Year



Les Blank


Les Blank


Werner Herzog




95 Min

Opening September 27!
One Week Only!

German director Werner Herzog begins work on his 1982 epic FITZCARRALDO but soon runs into serious setbacks, from casting problems to his own stubborn refusal to use special effects. After having to reshoot much of the film because the lead actor was recast, his crew must then haul an old-fashioned steamboat over a mountain using manpower alone. With a resolve bordering on insanity, Herzog struggles to realize his vision, vowing to see the film completed — even if it leads to his undoing.

Featured Films in this Series:

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Transformers One

September 20 - 26

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Patrice: The Movie

September 24 Only!

A disabled couple in their 50s want to marry but risk losing their benefits if they do.

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Silents Synched: Nosferatu (1923) x Radiohead

October 4 - 10

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Close Your Eyes

September 27 - October 3

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